Advertising Rates & Specifications
Ad Rates for 6-month term:
Full page $1,996
Half page $1,276
Third page $900
Quarter page $660
Eighth page $360
Banner $50 CPM
Print-Style Ads
A print-style ad appears within the body of an article. Please contact us to discuss placement. Your ad must meet the following specifications:
JPG format, no flash or animation
full page ad: 1200 pixels wide x 1500 pixels tall, size no larger than 1mB
half page ad: 1200 pixels wide x 750 pixels tall, size no larger than 700k
third page ad: 1200 pixels wide x 500 pixels tall, size no larger than 500k
third page ad (vertical): 600 pixels wide x 1000 pixels tall, size no larger than 500k
quarter page ad: 600 pixels wide x 500 pixels tall, size no larger than 400k
eighth page ad: 600 pixels wide x 250 pixels tall, size no larger than 200k
Banner Ads
A banner ad must meet the following specifications:
JPG format, no flash or animation, size no larger than 60K
Banner ads: 728 pixels wide x 90 pixels tall
Banner rectangle ads: 300 pixels wide x 250 pixels tall
Banner mobile ads: 300 pixels wide x 100 pixels tall
Contract Regulation & Terms
Submission of any advertisement shall constitute acceptance of the following
general conditions:
Advertisements are accepted upon the representation that advertiser and its agency have the right to publish the contents thereof. In consideration of such publication, advertiser and its agency agree to indemnify and hold publisher harmless against any expense or loss by reason of any claims arising out of publication.
Publisher shall have no liability for errors in the Advertiser Index.
Publisher shall have the right to hold advertiser and/or its advertising agency jointly liable for such monies as are due and payable to the publisher for advertising.
Publisher will assume that retailer’s ads adhere to applicable dealer agreements for new pianos represented.
Short Rate: Should an Advertiser’s contract be unfulfilled at the end of a contract period, the Advertiser will be shortrated to the frequency earned.
Production Charges: Advertiser will be charged on a reasonable time and materials basis if ad is produced by Publisher.
All advertising runs at the discretion of the Publisher.
Payment must be made in US dollars on a US bank.
New advertisers may be required to pay for first insertion in advance.
Bills are rendered date of publication, net 30 Days, no cash discounts. 15% to recognized
agencies when paid within 30 days. Payment must be made in US dollars on a US bank. New advertisers may be required to pay for first insertion in advance. For advertisers with approved credit, payment is due upon publication of online edition. Overdue accounts will be charged 1.5% per month.