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Need to Sell Your Piano?

Advertise your piano free of charge to our Piano Buyer Network by completing and submitting the form below. Your listing will immediately be sent by email to a group of piano dealers, technicians, and restorers who have expressed an interest in buying good-quality used pianos from consumers for restoration and/or resale. 

Is your piano eligible for a retail environment?

Most pianos that are older than 30 years old are not eligible for resale - regardless of the condition! If your piano brand is on this list, it will not be forwarded to potential retailers.


For more information on piano history and disposal options, read

 Time To Say Goodbye: Why It's Time to Move On From Pianos of the Past.

  • Acrosonic

  • Brewster

  • Bush & Lane

  • Cable

  • Chickering & Sons

  • Emerson

  • Everett

  • George Steck

  • Gulbransen

  • Hamilton

  • Hardman Peck & Co

  • Heintzman

  • Hobart M. Cable

  • Hallet, Davis & Co.

  • Ivers & Pond

  • Kimball

  • Kingsbury

  • Knabe

  • Kohler & Campbell

  • Krakauer

  • Lester

  • Mehlin

  • Mathuscheck

  • Schafer

  • Sohmer

  • Story & Clark

  • Whitney

  • Wing & Son

  • Winter

  • Wurlitzer

You should also know...

You will generally get the highest price for your piano if you sell it directly to another consumer. We highly recommend listing your piano on However, if you’re in a hurry to sell, don’t want to open your home to strangers, or have already tried selling at retail without success, then selling at wholesale to a piano dealer or restorer may make the most sense.


Just be aware that because dealers and restorers must move the pianos, repair or restore them, display and service them until sold, and make a profit, they choose very carefully which pianos to buy, and are unlikely to pay you as much as a private individual would. They are looking primarily for very-high-quality pianos of any age and condition, or medium-high-quality pianos less than about 20 years old or in exceptional condition for their age. It would be unproductive to advertise here older pianos of unexceptional brand, quality, or condition. Also, no digital (electronic) pianos, please.


The inventory needs of dealers and restorers vary greatly. Depending on your piano and where it’s located, you may receive multiple offers . . . or you may receive none — there are no guarantees. For that reason, the service is free, so there’s nothing to lose, either.

We currently have Network members in the New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver, and Seattle metropolitan areas, and several that buy pianos nationwide. Although we believe that all the businesses in our network are reputable — in fact, we know most of them personally — by using this service, you agree that we are acting only as a referral service, and are not responsible for any interaction or transaction that occurs as a consequence of using it.


Good luck!

Piano Details

Age, year of manufacture, or serial number. The serial number can usually be found inside the piano on the gold- or bronze-colored metal frame. If you don't know the age and can't find the serial number, you can estimate the age, or say "unknown."
Exterior Condition
Interior Condition
Measure a vertical piano from the floor to the top of the piano. Measure a grand from the front of the keyboard end to the back of the tail end, with the lid closed. The model number(s) and/or letter(s) can often be found inside the piano on the gold- or bronze-colored metal frame or on the back of a vertical piano.
Does the piano contain a player-system?
Are you considering buying another piano?
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